Dancing in the water at Harlem’s Hansborough Pool
“I never was a dancer but I can dance in the water,” says one of the members of
“I never was a dancer but I can dance in the water,” says one of the members of
At the end of May, we travelled to Venice to be at the opening of The Pool –
As I was saying, when we left Belluno I thought I’d had the last of my Italian swims.
Soon after our plane touched down in Milan in early May I felt like a swim. The weather
De la Butte aux Cailles Pool in the 13th arrondissement. Last Saturday I had an article on six
There was a good story in last weekend’s Travel and Indulgence section of The Weekend Australian on some of London’s
Being slightly obsessed with pools, I did a lot of piscine (France) and piscina (Italy and Spain)
One week of our recent six-week sojourn in France, Italy and Spain was spent at the Villa
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