Saturday’s super swell smothers Mahon Pool

Mahon Pool Maroubra, 22 July 2017, photo Therese Spruhan

Late Saturday afternoon, after watching my niece Rosie play a great game of netball at Heffron Park,  we headed down the road to Maroubra’s Mahon Pool to join the other wave watches witness the sea put on a spectacular show!


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  • My mother, Mavis Coghlan, lived in the same house in Coogee from the time she was married in 1942 until her death last August (31/8/16). She was a member of the Randwick and Coogee (Married) Ladies Swimming Club for many years. Thursdays in summer was always looked forward to as an opportunity for a swim and a social get together. Once a year the men were allowed into the pool but were never allowed to beat the ladies in the relay races. This pool will always remind our family of our wonderful mother.

    • Thanks for your comment Paul and lovely to have that wonderful memory of your mother! So, just double checking that it was Mahon Pool at Maroubra not McIver’s Ladies Baths at Coogee that your mother swam at? My mother grew up in Maroubra (born in 1931) and when the seas were up on the beach she and her sister retreated to the slightly calmer waters of Mahon Pool- although they weren’t calm at all last Saturday! All the best, Therese.


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