Sunshine on my shoulder at the North Curly Rock Pool

North Curl Curl Rock Pool, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017

The sign on North Curl Curl Beach yesterday said it all: ‘Best day in weeks. Enjoy.” Finally the endless rain had stopped in Sydney, the sun was out and I was walking across the yellow sand towards the North Curl Curl Rock Pool

North Curl Curl Beach, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017

The only problem was that I hadn’t left myself much time as I’d spent the morning at an art exhibition called Water at the Northern Beaches Creative Space, followed by coffee and lots of chat with my friend Kath.

Detail of Ocean Walk by Deirdre Hart at the Water exhibition at the Northern Beaches Creative Space, Curl Curl, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017
Detail of Ocean Walk by Deirdre Hart

I only had about 20 minutes before I had to get back to the inner west, but there was no way I was going miss out on a salt water swim.

North Curl Curl Rock Pool, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017

So I hurried across the sand, past beach umbrellas, sun-bakers and moss-covered rocks till I reached the pool.

The north end of North Curl Curl Beach near the rock pool, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017

The North Curly Pool is distinctive in a number of ways. It’s half naturally formed and half man-made with a rock in the middle that from one angle looks like a manta ray and from the side, more like a whale.

North Curl Curl Rock Pool, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017

Above is a huge overhanging sandstone cliff that casts a shadow on one side and near the entrance there’s a number of brightly coloured signs. One is in Chinese warning of slippery rocks and big waves and another alerts swimmers that dangerous creatures may share ocean pools.

North Curl Curl Rock Pool, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017

I didn’t meet any sharks when I slipped into the water for my very quick dip, just some seaweed and a few small fish.

North Curl Curl Rock Pool, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017

I skimmed along the sandy bottom and swam towards the edge where the waves were rising up.

North Curl Curl Rock Pool, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017

And climbed on to the boulder in the middle and watched families look for marine life in the rock pools beyond the fence.

North Curl Curl Rock Pool, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017

When I trekked to the top of the steep stairs and looked back, I kept wishing I wasn’t in a hurry and could linger long in this lovely ocean pool.

North Curl Curl Rock Pool, photo Therese Spruhan, March 2017


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