Anzac Day tranquility at Leichhardt Pool


On Anzac Day there was a soft Autumn light over Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre.


The late afternoon sun glistened and sparkled in the blue water of the 50-metre pool.


When I started taking photos, a lifeguard asked me what was so interesting in the pool.


“There’s all these beautiful reflections,” I said.


Oh,” he said, sounding unconvinced of the beauty I was finding in the 1960-era pool.


I left him staring at the water and made my way to the deep end where I discovered …


The lane numbers and starting blocks making patterns in the pool.


The faded colours of the high platform creating watercolours in the diving pool.


And reflecting in the 50-metre pool.

Finally I put my camera away and pushed off for a swim .
But as I swam up and down, more pictures kept appearing in the pool.
After 20 laps I brought my camera into the pool.
And caught a few final images before the Autumn glow was gone for the day.


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