Blue skies and cumulus clouds over Leichhardt Pool

It was nice to see the sun return today after quite a few days of heavy rain.  Wet weather doesn’t stop me heading to the pool as I love swimming in the rain. I particularly like the outdoor Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre (LPAC) when it’s raining as it’s usually a nice temperature in the water. The other good thing about swimming in the rain is that only the diehards turn up so you are usually guaranteed a lane to yourself, which all lappers know is bliss.


It was lovely looking up at the spectacular cumulus clouds and bright blue sky at Leichhardt Pool this morning as I did a few laps of backstroke.


The sun glistening on the water also created some nice underwater shots.

Leichhardt Pool is at Mary Street Lilyfield, just near Leichhardt Oval and the bay run.


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  • Hi Therese

    You know as passionate pool swimmers from Sydney, we ought to meet up for a swim and a coffee one of these days!


  • Sounds like a good idea Sally. Sorry for my slow reply – we have been overseas including visiting a few pools in Paris, Italy and Spain, and have been having trouble with my blog since I’ve come home – doesn’t seem to recongise me! Therese


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